No Pressure Washer? No Problem

No Pressure Washer? No Problem

How To Clean Without A Pressure Washer

Every homeowner has a long list of chores to keep the exterior of their home in ship-shape.

From cleaning a year's worth of mildew off your deck to washing second-story windows, your plate is full. Your garden hose isn't powerful enough but you don't want to step up to a pressure washer. What to do?

Briggs & Stratton Amplifi Hose Powering System is the answer for easy cleaning.


What Is It?

It's not a pressure washer. Instead, the Amplifi is a hose powering system that boosts the power of your ordinary garden hose by as much as 4.5 times. It's a "We're not in Kansas anymore" moment for hoses.

Amplifi Hose & Storage Container

Ever tried to use your garden hose to clean a mess off your deck? Even with a thumb over the nozzle to increase pressure, it doesn't have enough power to remove stains. The Amplifi ups the ante.


What Can It Do?

More like, what can't it do? Not all cleaning jobs are created equal and to address this, Briggs outfitted the Amplifi with 5 spray settings. Choose power jet, power shower, power fan, gentle fan or gentle shower. From blasting away grime to watering delicate flowers, there's a spray setting for the job.


Spray Settings For Amplifi Hose

The Amplifi is all about convenience and accordingly, it comes with an always-ready, durable container in which you can store up to 75 feet of hose (includes 15 feet). The 13-amp motor is housed in this container as well. You can leave the Amplifi outdoors in its container year-round.


Amplifi Storage Container

If your cleaning tasks require a little more oomph, you should turn to detergents. The Amplifi has a soap applicator bottle, which you can fill with detergent. With a push of a button, the Amplifi will spray the soap as well.

Unlike a garden hose, the Amplifi can powerfully shoot water, allowing you to clean objects as far as 30 feet away. This makes it a terrific choice for second-story windows and soffits.

Keep in mind, the Briggs & Stratton Amplifi isn't a pressure washer. However, if you have moderate cleaning tasks that your garden hose can't handle, the Amplifi is right for you.

START SHOPPING: View The Amplifi Hose Powering System

Jim, the Pressure Washer Expert
Pressure Washer Expert
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